There are many features that are work-in-progress or placeholders until more assets are made. Note: This mod is still early in development and is being very actively updated. That's it, you're ready to go! If you have trouble installing, get help in our Discord at the link above.Īlternatively, you can download the official Cobblemon modpack! (Will be hosted in more places soon). Put Architectury API and Cobblemon-Forge in the mods folder.Requires the recommended Forge version for 1.19.2.Put Fabric API, Architectury API, and Cobblemon-Fabric in the mods folder.Requires the recommended Fabric Loader version for 1.19.2.Support for both Fabric and Forge - though we recommend playing on Fabric because it's faster and better on performance!.You can find out how to do it using our guide!

Many animations for each Pokémon that make all of your partners feel alive.Harvest Apricorns by right-clicking them, and each harvest has a chance to also drop a seed that can grow a new tree. You can build, mine, or fight mobs while in Pokémon battles! Some Legends Arceus-style mechanics, such as move relearning, physically running from battle, and evolving your Pokémon when you decide.In many cases we haven't yet implemented the messages that go with certain actions - but the actions work. Battles using the Pokémon Showdown! engine for competitive battle mechanics.Some Pokémon from other generations are in the mod as well.

All Pokémon from Gen 1, including their later-generation evolutions and pre-evolutions.Craft a PC and healer as soon as you can!